Rejuvenate your skin

Open and shrink fat cells

Red light LED technology

ContoursRed Light Technology w/ UltraSlimÂŽ
- UltraSlim uses photonic energy that doesnât destroy tissue to stimulate lipolysis, immediate fat reduction and skin rejuvenation
- Immediate Results
- Fat thickness was immediately reduced by 33%
- Immediate results of an average of 3.5â combined from the waist, hips, and thighs
- No side effects or adverse outcomes. No pain, no downtime, no discomfort, no dysmorphic fat accusations, no side effects or adverse outcomes of anytime!
- Natural Process
- FDA Cleared for fat loss, skin rejuvenation, and pain management
- Comfortable and Relaxing. Will feel better then when you came in
- Personalized treatment plans and packages
- Rapid and sustainable results, in conjunction with healthy lifestyle
- UltraSlimÂŽ technology is the only body contouring device that is classified as risk group 1, the safest category of medical devices.
$ 99
Per Month- CoolSculpting uses extreme temperatures to destroy targeted tissues over three to six months
- Results within a few months
- Reduces the number of fat cells in the targeted areas by 20%-25%
- Results are usually seen between one and three months following treatment
- Side effects include redness, swelling, bruising, firmness, tenderness, cramping, burns, nodule formation, skin sensitivity, umbilical hernia, prolapsed bladder, uterus, and rectum, paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, and many more
$ 99
Per Month- Sculpture Uses laser generated heat to destroy some treated tissue
- Results within a few months
- Can destroy up to 24% of targeted fat cells.
- Results can be seen between six and 12 weeks
- Side effects include Pinching and tingling sensations. Soreness and stiffness and bruising at the targeted area
FDA Cleared Technology
Our red light technology is patented, FDA cleared, and completely safe. Itâs the first and only technology of its kind here in Middle Tennessee. It delivers a specific light wavelength and energy level that stimulates your bodyâs natural fat-loss process called lipolysis. Lipolysis is where the pores of the fat cells open and release their contents into the body. The body then processes and eliminates these naturally through the lymphatic system. Those fat cells stay open after treatment, so you continue losing fat for two to three days after your visit to Contours.
Immediate Results, as Soon as 8 Minutes
Studies show that UltraSlimÂŽ can reduce the size of fat by one-third in only 8 minutes. Each 32-minute treatment session includes four 8-minute exposures, with one each to the front, the back, the left side, and the right side.
Target the Specific Areas, Safely and Effectively